all postcodes in CV11 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV11 4NW 35 0 52.51294 -1.468356
CV11 4NX 44 1 52.518188 -1.458021
CV11 4NY 70 0 52.518343 -1.456472
CV11 4NZ 72 2 52.517803 -1.454356
CV11 4PB 47 0 52.517238 -1.454687
CV11 4PD 51 1 52.516683 -1.45325
CV11 4PE 39 0 52.515877 -1.45189
CV11 4PF 58 1 52.514913 -1.451489
CV11 4PG 48 2 52.516216 -1.453512
CV11 4PH 23 0 52.515841 -1.455928
CV11 4PJ 20 1 52.515422 -1.454651
CV11 4PL 25 1 52.51531 -1.45564
CV11 4PN 12 5 52.516487 -1.45757
CV11 4PP 3 3 52.513598 -1.454924
CV11 4PQ 21 0 52.516646 -1.454975
CV11 4PR 1 0 52.513389 -1.454505
CV11 4PS 6 0 52.513323 -1.453887
CV11 4PT 18 0 52.512997 -1.453178
CV11 4PU 22 0 52.513039 -1.452632
CV11 4PW 23 0 52.514669 -1.455197