all postcodes in CV11 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV11 4LP 9 0 52.512844 -1.45704
CV11 4LQ 13 0 52.511582 -1.456378
CV11 4LU 12 6 52.514239 -1.465334
CV11 4LX 3 3 52.515414 -1.462741
CV11 4LY 1 1 52.513144 -1.463786
CV11 4LZ 7 0 52.517511 -1.455377
CV11 4NA 3 1 52.513223 -1.461368
CV11 4NB 2 2 52.511281 -1.463505
CV11 4ND 3 2 52.513335 -1.46231
CV11 4NG 4 4 52.511764 -1.464642
CV11 4NH 6 0 52.518028 -1.458421
CV11 4NJ 6 0 52.511872 -1.466689
CV11 4NL 43 1 52.512271 -1.467421
CV11 4NN 21 0 52.512544 -1.468169
CV11 4NP 47 0 52.510962 -1.466367
CV11 4NQ 47 0 52.513645 -1.467154
CV11 4NR 1 1 52.509821 -1.464356
CV11 4NS 33 0 52.517368 -1.457515
CV11 4NT 34 0 52.517359 -1.455555
CV11 4NU 43 0 52.517903 -1.456624