all postcodes in CV33 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV33 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV33 9SD 15 0 52.249051 -1.543815
CV33 9SE 20 0 52.251124 -1.544981
CV33 9SF 26 0 52.250758 -1.546555
CV33 9SG 12 0 52.249195 -1.550801
CV33 9SH 12 0 52.249623 -1.546157
CV33 9SJ 28 0 52.249488 -1.54737
CV33 9SR 1 0 52.243014 -1.492061
CV33 9TD 21 0 52.197924 -1.48703
CV33 9TE 32 1 52.199114 -1.487894
CV33 9TF 8 0 52.197737 -1.487544
CV33 9TG 10 0 52.197739 -1.486052
CV33 9TH 6 0 52.198233 -1.485943
CV33 9TJ 33 0 52.198962 -1.48592
CV33 9TL 10 0 52.199436 -1.485461
CV33 9TN 14 0 52.199575 -1.488371
CV33 9TP 12 0 52.199657 -1.486585
CV33 9TQ 6 0 52.198419 -1.487287
CV33 9TR 32 0 52.198976 -1.489329
CV33 9TS 8 0 52.199299 -1.488989
CV33 9TT 6 0 52.201331 -1.486947