all postcodes in CV33 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV33 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV33 9TU 12 0 52.200454 -1.488025
CV33 9TW 26 2 52.199788 -1.489905
CV33 9TX 11 0 52.201917 -1.488056
CV33 9TY 12 0 52.201136 -1.487578
CV33 9TZ 4 0 52.201177 -1.488792
CV33 9UB 30 0 52.250293 -1.548666
CV33 9UD 20 0 52.250191 -1.547934
CV33 9UE 4 0 52.202014 -1.489046
CV33 9YF 1 0 52.286494 -1.532455
CV33 9YG 1 0 52.286522 -1.532762
CV33 9YR 1 1 52.286494 -1.532455
CV33 9YS 1 1 52.286522 -1.532762
CV33 9GX 11 10 52.239927 -1.445705
CV33 9NX 0 52.244267 -1.448665
CV33 9BF 12 0 52.199926 -1.488484
CV33 9UA 4 0 52.197126 -1.487726
CV33 9UF 8 0 52.196759 -1.488023
CV33 9WB 1 52.286522 -1.532762
CV33 9AS 0 52.288359 -1.477604
CV33 9WF 1 1 52.231647 -1.546366