all postcodes in DE23 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE23 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE23 8RF 6 52.904393 -1.47538
DE23 8RG 6 52.903753 -1.47722
DE23 8RH 4 52.902705 -1.477869
DE23 8RJ 3 52.90097 -1.477949
DE23 8RL 1 52.899668 -1.47834
DE23 8RN 0 52.900325 -1.476593
DE23 8RP 0 52.900805 -1.473331
DE23 8RQ 0 52.900346 -1.473039
DE23 8RR 0 52.899822 -1.476673
DE23 8RS 2 52.902032 -1.480259
DE23 8RT 0 52.901754 -1.480467
DE23 8RU 1 52.901624 -1.483698
DE23 8RW 0 52.902689 -1.480549
DE23 8RX 1 52.902454 -1.480269
DE23 8RY 2 52.903312 -1.481073
DE23 8RZ 0 52.903061 -1.479236
DE23 8SA 0 52.903192 -1.480405
DE23 8SB 1 52.902872 -1.483282
DE23 8SF 7 52.902585 -1.48349
DE23 8SG 0 52.904164 -1.48068