all postcodes in DE5 / RIPLEY

find any address or company within the DE5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE5 3PL 0 53.044116 -1.408881
DE5 3PN 1 53.044343 -1.40943
DE5 3PP 0 53.043339 -1.406266
DE5 3PQ 0 53.042819 -1.406482
DE5 3PR 0 53.042718 -1.40975
DE5 3PS 0 53.041898 -1.409254
DE5 3PT 0 53.041117 -1.409563
DE5 3PU 0 53.040922 -1.408343
DE5 3PW 0 53.041411 -1.407292
DE5 3PX 0 53.042117 -1.406462
DE5 3PY 4 53.045732 -1.412096
DE5 3PZ 0 53.045839 -1.410051
DE5 3QA 0 53.045751 -1.410499
DE5 3QD 0 53.043333 -1.390737
DE5 3QL 12 53.040707 -1.397667
DE5 3QN 0 53.043949 -1.413283
DE5 3QP 4 53.05488 -1.397186
DE5 3QS 0 53.043573 -1.411812
DE5 3QT 1 53.049707 -1.405165
DE5 3QU 2 53.058326 -1.390662