all postcodes in DE5 / RIPLEY

find any address or company within the DE5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE5 3DF 5 1 53.050266 -1.40371
DE5 3NT 1 1 53.049486 -1.377898
DE5 3QR 4 0 53.044158 -1.394009
DE5 3SY 12 0 53.054633 -1.39989
DE5 3AR 3 1 53.049359 -1.405781
DE5 3AQ 3 3 53.04192 -1.397665
DE5 3UB 7 0 53.061002 -1.400667
DE5 3UG 10 0 53.06071 -1.39982
DE5 3UH 34 0 53.060013 -1.398965
DE5 3UJ 34 0 53.06094 -1.399056
DE5 3UP 12 0 53.059777 -1.400281
DE5 3UQ 50 0 53.060114 -1.401082
DE5 3LA 15 0 53.050986 -1.403819
DE5 3TR 0 53.04095 -1.401106
DE5 3TX 4 0 53.052375 -1.399263
DE5 3TY 0 53.048275 -1.392147
DE5 3NL 7 0 53.053891 -1.40221
DE5 3NQ 4 0 53.049711 -1.40054
DE5 3WG 0 53.053661 -1.404946
DE5 3WB 9 0 53.048383 -1.395725