all postcodes in DE5 / RIPLEY

find any address or company within the DE5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE5 3QW 1 53.058173 -1.380116
DE5 3QX 1 53.050189 -1.408171
DE5 3QY 6 53.06429 -1.396665
DE5 3UZ 1 53.060411 -1.404719
DE5 3QZ 1 53.059968 -1.404188
DE5 3RA 0 53.059327 -1.410881
DE5 3RB 0 53.058576 -1.409907
DE5 3RD 0 53.063292 -1.409094
DE5 3RE 2 53.067802 -1.419464
DE5 3TZ 0 53.064343 -1.423719
DE5 3RJ 0 53.073486 -1.435
DE5 3RG 0 53.074586 -1.411748
DE5 3RH 0 53.063519 -1.437491
DE5 3RL 0 53.079877 -1.429363
DE5 3RN 0 53.058579 -1.44033
DE5 3RP 1 53.05863 -1.428122
DE5 3RQ 0 53.057138 -1.434127
DE5 3RR 0 53.071079 -1.420659
DE5 3RS 1 53.057505 -1.396953
DE5 3RT 0 53.043996 -1.413745