all postcodes in DE5 / RIPLEY

find any address or company within the DE5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE5 3LE 20 0 53.052807 -1.403182
DE5 3LF 41 0 53.053821 -1.402825
DE5 3LG 39 0 53.054426 -1.403294
DE5 3LH 59 0 53.052501 -1.401307
DE5 3LJ 45 0 53.049471 -1.39929
DE5 3LL 7 0 53.048775 -1.400449
DE5 3LN 31 0 53.05281 -1.398334
DE5 3LP 46 1 53.05396 -1.400123
DE5 3LQ 16 0 53.052785 -1.400647
DE5 3LR 4 0 53.052332 -1.399711
DE5 3LS 4 0 53.05319 -1.400745
DE5 3LT 26 3 53.053825 -1.405347
DE5 3LU 2 0 53.054176 -1.40346
DE5 3LW 40 3 53.055402 -1.404325
DE5 3LX 22 0 53.056586 -1.405682
DE5 3LY 31 0 53.056083 -1.405659
DE5 3LZ 38 0 53.057366 -1.405238
DE5 3NA 10 0 53.046971 -1.397311
DE5 3NB 3 3 53.048538 -1.385594
DE5 3ND 2 53.049942 -1.384125