all postcodes in DE65 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE65 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE65 6LE 19 0 52.878079 -1.602402
DE65 6LF 20 0 52.889226 -1.576673
DE65 6LG 39 0 52.887895 -1.571429
DE65 6LH 1 0 52.882054 -1.569569
DE65 6LJ 5 1 52.879022 -1.556612
DE65 6LL 5 1 52.885423 -1.566296
DE65 6LN 6 0 52.894264 -1.567561
DE65 6LP 46 8 52.884697 -1.600316
DE65 6LQ 24 0 52.886755 -1.600093
DE65 6LR 6 0 52.894534 -1.587877
DE65 6LS 24 4 52.897299 -1.594641
DE65 6LT 7 0 52.885679 -1.60095
DE65 6LU 2 1 52.884453 -1.602577
DE65 6LW 10 0 52.885322 -1.601786
DE65 6LX 11 0 52.886425 -1.595548
DE65 6LY 10 0 52.878953 -1.600432
DE65 6LZ 10 0 52.879001 -1.601368
DE65 6NA 18 0 52.882752 -1.596638
DE65 6NB 8 2 52.881315 -1.602521
DE65 6ND 10 0 52.880691 -1.603953