all postcodes in DE65 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE65 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE65 6PD 8 0 52.849667 -1.562495
DE65 6PF 7 0 52.849947 -1.555557
DE65 6PG 24 0 52.850333 -1.56035
DE65 6PH 5 0 52.83599 -1.549376
DE65 6PJ 1 0 52.884309 -1.586919
DE65 6PL 7 0 52.847227 -1.519682
DE65 6PN 2 0 52.887576 -1.567787
DE65 6PP 3 3 52.853971 -1.547601
DE65 6PQ 60 0 52.880092 -1.607822
DE65 6PR 2 0 52.874452 -1.557993
DE65 6PT 5 0 52.852535 -1.548254
DE65 6PU 8 0 52.884308 -1.59964
DE65 6QA 7 0 52.869754 -1.547095
DE65 6QB 4 0 52.869614 -1.548062
DE65 6QD 8 0 52.869941 -1.54898
DE65 6QE 9 0 52.870257 -1.549274
DE65 6QF 5 0 52.870851 -1.549535
DE65 6QG 18 0 52.870686 -1.548482
DE65 6QJ 9 0 52.871154 -1.55124
DE65 6QL 36 0 52.875235 -1.543918