all postcodes in DE65 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE65 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE65 6QN 3 0 52.874939 -1.544099
DE65 6QQ 20 0 52.869972 -1.547568
DE65 6QR 18 0 52.875133 -1.545553
DE65 6QW 7 0 52.874584 -1.543137
DE65 6RG 4 0 52.888945 -1.573425
DE65 6SA 16 0 52.835329 -1.543579
DE65 6SB 5 0 52.834181 -1.544199
DE65 6SE 1 1 52.840237 -1.550575
DE65 6SH 1 1 52.838883 -1.549153
DE65 6SQ 3 0 52.834702 -1.544238
DE65 6TB 25 0 52.851289 -1.563577
DE65 6WA 4 0 52.835784 -1.526677
DE65 6WR 8 0 52.835488 -1.545047
DE65 6WS 5 0 52.836338 -1.546329
DE65 6WT 11 0 52.837288 -1.541124
DE65 6YA 33 0 52.853824 -1.551567
DE65 6YB 14 0 52.850918 -1.565392
DE65 6YD 40 0 52.851719 -1.565607
DE65 6YQ 1 0 52.865009 -1.683461
DE65 6ZU 1 0 52.865009 -1.683461