all postcodes in FK7 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK7 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK7 7XS 62 0 56.098041 -3.913828
FK7 7XT 14 0 56.09853 -3.913473
FK7 7XU 16 0 56.09848 -3.911461
FK7 7XX 1 1 56.115675 -3.918918
FK7 7ZG 1 1 56.115675 -3.918918
FK7 7LA 2 2 56.111268 -3.913816
FK7 7XY 1 0 56.100624 -3.843764
FK7 7DL 14 0 56.086457 -3.866826
FK7 7DP 11 0 56.087032 -3.865632
FK7 7DR 16 0 56.087016 -3.864314
FK7 7DS 50 0 56.086264 -3.86529
FK7 7DY 19 0 56.085732 -3.865409
FK7 7DZ 4 0 56.080745 -3.870133
FK7 7WR 6 6 56.114549 -3.927162
FK7 7GZ 19 0 56.104231 -3.868089
FK7 7WS 2 2 56.120037 -3.906507
FK7 7FB 8 4 56.117294 -3.914752
FK7 7FD 3 0 56.117535 -3.916582
FK7 7WT 1 1 56.115235 -3.926269
FK7 7GN 11 2 56.111553 -3.919186