all postcodes in FK7 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK7 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK7 7QT 30 0 56.107391 -3.929029
FK7 7QU 50 0 56.106592 -3.92841
FK7 7QW 66 2 56.106271 -3.928845
FK7 7QX 46 0 56.105577 -3.925497
FK7 7QY 46 0 56.105274 -3.926527
FK7 7QZ 48 0 56.106936 -3.92653
FK7 7RA 32 0 56.108119 -3.927329
FK7 7RB 40 0 56.108033 -3.928241
FK7 7RD 8 0 56.109168 -3.928604
FK7 7RE 18 0 56.108786 -3.930064
FK7 7RF 4 0 56.108502 -3.931578
FK7 7RG 1 1 56.104651 -3.92841
FK7 7RH 18 0 56.102124 -3.9228
FK7 7RJ 53 0 56.102637 -3.92273
FK7 7RL 16 0 56.101988 -3.924594
FK7 7RN 16 0 56.103094 -3.923958
FK7 7RP 64 36 56.116458 -3.928624
FK7 7RQ 20 0 56.101601 -3.92345
FK7 7RR 1 1 56.116472 -3.925849
FK7 7RT 1 1 56.111774 -3.915353