all postcodes in FK7 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK7 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK7 7LY 4 0 56.092679 -3.860617
FK7 7NA 38 0 56.099049 -3.848939
FK7 7NE 10 1 56.092485 -3.840594
FK7 7NF 24 0 56.099289 -3.842912
FK7 7NG 11 1 56.098076 -3.832268
FK7 7NH 5 0 56.094793 -3.810964
FK7 7NJ 20 1 56.099236 -3.812491
FK7 7NL 2 0 56.099416 -3.815161
FK7 7NP 30 23 56.104145 -3.846466
FK7 7NQ 7 0 56.097803 -3.832874
FK7 7NU 2 2 56.115173 -3.930941
FK7 7NZ 1 1 56.113568 -3.932877
FK7 7PA 34 0 56.11397 -3.931321
FK7 7PB 4 0 56.113353 -3.931676
FK7 7PE 1 1 56.116009 -3.931954
FK7 7PF 46 0 56.110899 -3.927661
FK7 7PG 9 3 56.112803 -3.933026
FK7 7PH 28 0 56.110901 -3.931601
FK7 7PJ 22 0 56.110177 -3.930761
FK7 7PL 14 0 56.109624 -3.929929