all postcodes in FK7 / STIRLING

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Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK7 7PN 12 0 56.109049 -3.930511
FK7 7PP 18 0 56.109405 -3.931269
FK7 7PQ 28 0 56.11224 -3.931572
FK7 7PR 9 0 56.111618 -3.932265
FK7 7PS 40 0 56.110313 -3.92895
FK7 7PT 33 0 56.110477 -3.929956
FK7 7PU 2 0 56.109081 -3.927435
FK7 7PW 24 0 56.109634 -3.932181
FK7 7PX 63 8 56.110778 -3.928646
FK7 7QA 1 1 56.112719 -3.925205
FK7 7QB 10 0 56.111751 -3.930068
FK7 7QD 30 0 56.112497 -3.930652
FK7 7QE 47 0 56.113158 -3.930363
FK7 7QG 9 0 56.113245 -3.931075
FK7 7QH 18 0 56.113826 -3.931893
FK7 7QN 46 0 56.107959 -3.93065
FK7 7QP 12 0 56.106234 -3.927203
FK7 7QQ 7 1 56.11073 -3.924221
FK7 7QR 4 0 56.10649 -3.926347
FK7 7QS 38 0 56.107778 -3.930174