all postcodes in FK7 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK7 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK7 8EG 18 0 56.065011 -3.879758
FK7 8EH 1 1 56.084131 -3.915973
FK7 8EJ 21 0 56.087911 -3.928907
FK7 8EL 1 1 56.115682 -3.918925
FK7 8EN 8 0 56.087272 -3.928361
FK7 8EP 9 1 56.086953 -3.926352
FK7 8EQ 6 0 56.064172 -3.874455
FK7 8ER 2 0 56.086659 -3.92977
FK7 8ES 1 1 56.084626 -3.927489
FK7 8ET 1 1 56.075958 -3.922027
FK7 8EU 2 2 56.07612 -3.921595
FK7 8EW 8 1 56.087265 -3.926528
FK7 8EX 16 2 56.081201 -3.922915
FK7 8EY 1 0 56.077859 -3.915357
FK7 8FB 30 0 56.063187 -3.876592
FK7 8FD 18 0 56.063262 -3.874587
FK7 8HA 8 0 56.067981 -3.914336
FK7 8HB 5 0 56.064048 -3.919314
FK7 8HD 1 0 56.061676 -3.926199
FK7 8HE 12 1 56.068433 -3.93089