all postcodes in FK7 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK7 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK7 8JJ 13 0 56.08943 -3.908177
FK7 8JL 45 0 56.089049 -3.908293
FK7 8JN 5 0 56.090382 -3.908664
FK7 8JP 46 0 56.091345 -3.906375
FK7 8JQ 8 0 56.090314 -3.908558
FK7 8JR 4 0 56.092485 -3.906447
FK7 8JS 8 0 56.092465 -3.908189
FK7 8JT 10 0 56.092277 -3.907006
FK7 8JU 21 0 56.091915 -3.90776
FK7 8JW 6 1 56.09075 -3.906368
FK7 8JX 10 0 56.09262 -3.907628
FK7 8JY 7 0 56.091078 -3.908426
FK7 8JZ 13 0 56.091712 -3.908242
FK7 8LA 4 0 56.092619 -3.908679
FK7 8LB 26 0 56.092161 -3.909862
FK7 8LD 32 0 56.091249 -3.909527
FK7 8LE 45 0 56.090529 -3.909791
FK7 8LF 10 1 56.091554 -3.910732
FK7 8LG 10 0 56.090837 -3.911757
FK7 8LH 28 0 56.09333 -3.907444