all postcodes in FK7 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK7 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK7 8PQ 16 0 56.089294 -3.904624
FK7 8PR 10 0 56.089767 -3.903121
FK7 8PS 9 0 56.088834 -3.904885
FK7 8PT 18 0 56.090633 -3.915685
FK7 8PU 39 0 56.085763 -3.908082
FK7 8PW 9 0 56.09039 -3.904068
FK7 8PX 30 0 56.085099 -3.909191
FK7 8PY 12 0 56.085374 -3.910024
FK7 8PZ 23 0 56.086513 -3.906673
FK7 8QA 23 0 56.085949 -3.907127
FK7 8QB 4 0 56.086488 -3.910169
FK7 8UF 20 1 56.091734 -3.911335
FK7 8YA 1 1 56.115675 -3.918918
FK7 8FE 0 56.062341 -3.874864
FK7 8EZ 3 0 56.081116 -3.922621
FK7 8GA 45 0 56.067348 -3.880103
FK7 8GB 16 0 56.066636 -3.879667
FK7 8GD 7 0 56.067683 -3.880553
FK7 8FG 12 0 56.088132 -3.926829
FK7 8FH 9 0 56.088272 -3.927623