all postcodes in FK7 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK7 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK7 8LN 46 0 56.087176 -3.905172
FK7 8LP 2 0 56.09155 -3.915194
FK7 8LQ 46 0 56.093991 -3.907766
FK7 8LR 21 1 56.09102 -3.917344
FK7 8LS 15 0 56.091535 -3.916174
FK7 8LT 2 0 56.09129 -3.920373
FK7 8LU 5 0 56.090614 -3.916311
FK7 8LW 11 3 56.091592 -3.913669
FK7 8LX 9 1 56.090909 -3.915265
FK7 8LY 15 2 56.091092 -3.915049
FK7 8LZ 25 5 56.090702 -3.913567
FK7 8NB 9 1 56.090191 -3.914586
FK7 8ND 12 0 56.090358 -3.913849
FK7 8NE 38 0 56.089661 -3.915358
FK7 8NF 6 0 56.089365 -3.915263
FK7 8NG 37 0 56.088996 -3.915325
FK7 8NH 20 0 56.087662 -3.915564
FK7 8NJ 16 0 56.088377 -3.916998
FK7 8NL 8 0 56.088524 -3.917359
FK7 8NN 9 0 56.087703 -3.914682