all postcodes in FK / Falkirk

find any address or company within the FK postcode area

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District

FK / Falkirk

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK1 2DR 74 0 55.974042 -3.76772
FK1 2DS 24 0 55.972745 -3.769808
FK1 2DT 51 4 55.971414 -3.766783
FK1 2DU 8 0 55.973823 -3.76795
FK1 2DW 26 0 55.974219 -3.759763
FK1 2DX 25 0 55.972098 -3.768609
FK1 2DY 6 0 55.972294 -3.760525
FK1 2DZ 63 2 55.972578 -3.762686
FK1 2EA 41 0 55.972691 -3.766697
FK1 2EB 22 0 55.973604 -3.764479
FK1 2ED 34 0 55.973111 -3.76311
FK1 2EE 33 0 55.972871 -3.762907
FK1 2EF 20 0 55.97176 -3.770212
FK1 2EG 4 0 55.972639 -3.769988
FK1 2EH 1 0 55.973262 -3.772011
FK1 2EJ 16 0 55.972633 -3.771999
FK1 2EL 36 0 55.972418 -3.773223
FK1 2EN 8 0 55.971645 -3.773548
FK1 2EP 8 0 55.971215 -3.775603
FK1 2EQ 19 2 55.971436 -3.771151