all postcodes in FK / Falkirk

find any address or company within the FK postcode area

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District

FK / Falkirk

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK1 1EN 1 55.999742 -3.786799
FK1 1ES 10 55.999747 -3.786806
FK1 1ER 1 56.000001 -3.78786
FK1 1EU 2 55.999964 -3.786392
FK1 1EY 3 56.000232 -3.787406
FK1 1EZ 1 56.000246 -3.787727
FK1 1HB 1 55.999158 -3.785288
FK1 1HG 22 55.998617 -3.786346
FK1 1HN 0 56.004632 -3.784514
FK1 1HQ 2 56.004552 -3.783884
FK1 1HR 5 56.003495 -3.784237
FK1 1HS 3 56.002721 -3.784361
FK1 1HU 3 56.002473 -3.785017
FK1 1HX 4 56.000921 -3.78577
FK1 1HY 2 56.001541 -3.784861
FK1 1HZ 15 56.001142 -3.785427
FK1 1JB 12 56.001396 -3.784605
FK1 1JE 1 56.000807 -3.786198
FK1 1JH 4 56.000274 -3.785131
FK1 1JJ 1 56.00044 -3.784818