all postcodes in FK / Falkirk

find any address or company within the FK postcode area

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District

FK / Falkirk

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK1 1XS 7 5 55.998275 -3.779185
FK1 1XT 1 1 55.993612 -3.756572
FK1 1YB 39 0 55.99802 -3.778821
FK1 1YD 16 2 55.998267 -3.780356
FK1 1YE 24 0 55.995917 -3.778805
FK1 1YG 1 1 55.997465 -3.778026
FK1 1YR 6 2 55.994439 -3.767256
FK1 1YT 43 0 55.993215 -3.788589
FK1 1YU 42 0 55.993215 -3.788589
FK1 1YX 43 0 55.993666 -3.787199
FK1 1YY 42 0 55.993666 -3.787199
FK1 1SA 9 0 55.9983 -3.771874
FK1 1QU 8 0 55.995542 -3.781802
FK1 1BT 0 55.997667 -3.788907
FK1 1XX 1 1 55.998123 -3.77788
FK1 1AE 0 55.998662 -3.781986
FK1 1QX 1 0 55.996956 -3.780609
FK1 2AA 3 0 55.988847 -3.787361
FK1 2AG 12 0 55.985772 -3.786899
FK1 2AH 16 0 55.984227 -3.78686