all postcodes in FK / Falkirk

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Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District

FK / Falkirk

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK1 1TW 42 0 55.996459 -3.773009
FK1 1TX 42 0 55.996622 -3.777298
FK1 1TY 43 0 55.994615 -3.778761
FK1 1TZ 42 0 55.994615 -3.778761
FK1 1UA 43 0 55.994195 -3.780473
FK1 1UB 42 0 55.994195 -3.780473
FK1 1UD 12 0 55.997532 -3.779664
FK1 1UE 12 0 55.997218 -3.779602
FK1 1UF 1 1 55.996876 -3.779602
FK1 1UG 8 3 55.997947 -3.780758
FK1 1UH 34 0 56.000697 -3.777645
FK1 1UJ 25 11 55.999203 -3.782131
FK1 1UL 42 0 55.995338 -3.779756
FK1 1UP 1 1 56.001996 -3.784777
FK1 1UQ 6 0 55.993089 -3.785489
FK1 1UZ 12 4 55.998763 -3.780234
FK1 1XE 1 1 55.995564 -3.761503
FK1 1XG 2 2 55.998779 -3.780131
FK1 1XQ 2 1 55.998627 -3.780012
FK1 1XR 23 18 55.995546 -3.76022