all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G3 8AL 42 0 55.868079 -4.292539
G3 8AN 17 1 55.868325 -4.292346
G3 8AP 44 0 55.867798 -4.293626
G3 8AQ 41 0 55.867501 -4.292697
G3 8AR 40 0 55.868187 -4.292977
G3 8AU 8 8 55.863045 -4.283868
G3 8AW 1 1 55.86855 -4.294245
G3 8AZ 30 30 55.858243 -4.26919
G3 8BB 1 1 55.85745 -4.268088
G3 8BH 20 1 55.858806 -4.271571
G3 8BL 2 0 55.859149 -4.271688
G3 8BN 1 0 55.859674 -4.273747
G3 8BW 22 16 55.85899 -4.274955
G3 8DA 1 1 55.857345 -4.27398
G3 8DP 1 0 55.868777 -4.29509
G3 8DQ 76 2 55.860945 -4.274222
G3 8DS 3 3 55.861526 -4.274895
G3 8ED 3 3 55.861875 -4.27784
G3 8DX 59 3 55.862702 -4.274755
G3 8DY 1 1 55.861391 -4.280209