all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G3 8HQ 1 1 55.859009 -4.281953
G3 8HR 72 0 55.857864 -4.280704
G3 8HT 1 1 55.861444 -4.268864
G3 8HY 2 2 55.861629 -4.276579
G3 8HZ 15 15 55.858945 -4.276197
G3 8JD 4 4 55.859168 -4.277249
G3 8JU 19 12 55.862194 -4.280334
G3 8LD 45 1 55.863473 -4.282119
G3 8LE 73 4 55.862844 -4.28261
G3 8LH 5 3 55.86356 -4.284698
G3 8LN 1 1 55.863617 -4.288377
G3 8LQ 66 0 55.863766 -4.28423
G3 8LT 1 1 55.86352 -4.288516
G3 8LU 35 13 55.863633 -4.280275
G3 8LX 38 11 55.864185 -4.282001
G3 8LY 39 13 55.864697 -4.283502
G3 8LZ 84 11 55.864178 -4.282864
G3 8ND 80 38 55.864391 -4.283725
G3 8NE 20 0 55.864629 -4.284744
G3 8NF 10 0 55.864754 -4.285231