all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G3 8NG 45 2 55.864356 -4.286854
G3 8NH 248 248 55.865296 -4.287694
G3 8NL 2 2 55.863799 -4.28799
G3 8NQ 73 1 55.863963 -4.290075
G3 8NS 88 0 55.865041 -4.293031
G3 8NU 3 3 55.865173 -4.286422
G3 8NR 5 0 55.862877 -4.277116
G3 8PA 8 0 55.864636 -4.28727
G3 8PB 2 2 55.864931 -4.28852
G3 8PD 84 0 55.865674 -4.288961
G3 8PE 64 0 55.864519 -4.288717
G3 8PH 19 0 55.864815 -4.293578
G3 8PJ 24 0 55.865 -4.294723
G3 8PP 70 0 55.864497 -4.291353
G3 8PW 43 0 55.864772 -4.289595
G3 8PX 685 1 55.863964 -4.290986
G3 8PY 35 0 55.86352 -4.291679
G3 8PZ 24 1 55.867565 -4.293596
G3 8QB 95 2 55.868263 -4.297778
G3 8QD 30 0 55.868003 -4.301885