all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 2HB 8 0 55.941732 -4.148142
G66 2HD 6 0 55.941666 -4.147061
G66 2HE 29 1 55.941497 -4.148509
G66 2HF 10 0 55.941914 -4.148821
G66 2HH 13 0 55.941345 -4.149494
G66 2HJ 22 0 55.945072 -4.11695
G66 2HL 17 2 55.94056 -4.149178
G66 2HR 40 1 55.944103 -4.13613
G66 2HS 16 0 55.941018 -4.144527
G66 2HT 3 0 55.942227 -4.147861
G66 2HU 14 0 55.942413 -4.147023
G66 2HX 23 0 55.942074 -4.146347
G66 2HY 23 0 55.942483 -4.145553
G66 2HZ 24 0 55.941876 -4.144319
G66 2JA 16 0 55.942366 -4.143513
G66 2JB 9 0 55.942994 -4.144076
G66 2JD 5 2 55.942862 -4.141843
G66 2JE 28 0 55.942143 -4.142396
G66 2JF 12 0 55.942805 -4.139486
G66 2JG 34 0 55.942487 -4.139132