all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 2NY 26 0 55.94406 -4.127208
G66 2NZ 19 0 55.943627 -4.125711
G66 2PA 8 0 55.943484 -4.124662
G66 2PB 1 0 55.943527 -4.1242
G66 2PD 10 0 55.943239 -4.126346
G66 2PF 35 0 55.942973 -4.12979
G66 2PG 24 0 55.943785 -4.122789
G66 2PH 20 0 55.944157 -4.12156
G66 2PJ 17 0 55.945148 -4.121406
G66 2PL 46 0 55.944754 -4.120328
G66 2PN 22 0 55.944413 -4.122375
G66 2PP 13 0 55.944843 -4.122446
G66 2PS 3 0 55.940486 -4.141764
G66 2PU 34 1 55.939986 -4.141348
G66 2PW 8 0 55.944087 -4.120419
G66 2PX 14 4 55.93963 -4.143218
G66 2PY 12 0 55.939645 -4.139231
G66 2QA 10 0 55.939598 -4.137323
G66 2QB 6 0 55.939624 -4.135804
G66 2QD 4 0 55.939693 -4.134643