all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 2JH 10 0 55.943062 -4.13705
G66 2JJ 19 1 55.943854 -4.136997
G66 2JL 24 0 55.94402 -4.138304
G66 2JN 27 0 55.943644 -4.13721
G66 2JP 20 0 55.942173 -4.135992
G66 2JQ 40 0 55.943102 -4.139406
G66 2JR 35 0 55.941398 -4.137679
G66 2JS 34 0 55.942214 -4.137259
G66 2JT 9 0 55.941681 -4.141041
G66 2JW 2 1 55.941875 -4.135291
G66 2JX 13 0 55.941452 -4.140804
G66 2JY 32 0 55.941766 -4.1434
G66 2LA 25 1 55.941283 -4.144798
G66 2LB 24 0 55.941868 -4.145807
G66 2LD 9 0 55.941039 -4.145377
G66 2LH 47 0 55.942209 -4.14067
G66 2LS 7 0 55.943615 -4.127984
G66 2LT 6 0 55.942941 -4.135266
G66 2LU 46 0 55.944132 -4.134979
G66 2LX 32 0 55.943486 -4.134399