all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 2LY 6 0 55.942857 -4.134364
G66 2LZ 2 0 55.943065 -4.133483
G66 2NA 19 0 55.94382 -4.132736
G66 2NB 30 0 55.944432 -4.133202
G66 2ND 15 0 55.945044 -4.133684
G66 2NE 11 0 55.945648 -4.13306
G66 2NF 27 0 55.945368 -4.132629
G66 2NG 4 0 55.94495 -4.133091
G66 2NH 2 0 55.943703 -4.131453
G66 2NJ 10 0 55.943074 -4.131734
G66 2NL 20 0 55.943618 -4.130386
G66 2NN 7 0 55.943272 -4.1312
G66 2NP 30 0 55.944553 -4.129365
G66 2NQ 13 0 55.944205 -4.132308
G66 2NR 26 0 55.944446 -4.128782
G66 2NS 6 0 55.944721 -4.127949
G66 2NT 19 0 55.943958 -4.128387
G66 2NU 9 0 55.944996 -4.12609
G66 2NW 10 0 55.943383 -4.129989
G66 2NX 9 0 55.94437 -4.125864