all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 2RY 5 0 55.945742 -4.123985
G66 2RZ 5 0 55.945587 -4.12513
G66 2SA 22 3 55.945378 -4.124253
G66 2SB 9 0 55.94525 -4.125399
G66 2SD 43 0 55.94524 -4.127032
G66 2SE 15 0 55.944997 -4.128604
G66 2SF 35 0 55.946108 -4.128265
G66 2SG 4 0 55.945661 -4.128673
G66 2SH 20 0 55.945344 -4.130369
G66 2SJ 15 0 55.944611 -4.131722
G66 2SQ 21 0 55.944938 -4.129946
G66 2TA 8 0 55.947074 -4.113968
G66 2TB 2 0 55.944064 -4.109421
G66 2AG 1 0 55.944242 -4.114006
G66 2UA 47 0 55.947633 -4.121654
G66 2UB 36 0 55.947433 -4.121291
G66 2UG 50 0 55.946278 -4.123133
G66 2UH 47 0 55.9462 -4.121912
G66 2UL 37 0 55.946501 -4.121144
G66 2UT 34 0 55.946834 -4.117446