all postcodes in G74 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G74 4SY 8 0 55.771552 -4.187058
G74 4SZ 42 0 55.76803 -4.189523
G74 4TA 4 0 55.772834 -4.196298
G74 4TB 40 0 55.773807 -4.195667
G74 4TD 22 0 55.774485 -4.196933
G74 4TE 21 0 55.774286 -4.197496
G74 4TF 11 0 55.773523 -4.196926
G74 4TG 7 0 55.77375 -4.197848
G74 4TH 14 0 55.77528 -4.205731
G74 4TJ 15 0 55.774399 -4.206734
G74 4TL 26 0 55.773396 -4.199518
G74 4TN 35 0 55.772398 -4.200036
G74 4TP 14 0 55.772601 -4.201275
G74 4TQ 58 0 55.773749 -4.203923
G74 4TR 30 0 55.774045 -4.207432
G74 4TS 17 0 55.773684 -4.2095
G74 4TT 8 7 55.773877 -4.202272
G74 4TU 30 0 55.768147 -4.192527
G74 4TW 17 0 55.771759 -4.20008
G74 4TX 18 0 55.77503 -4.204123