all postcodes in G74 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G74 4DB 30 4 55.774118 -4.165947
G74 4DD 10 0 55.77162 -4.167467
G74 4DE 30 0 55.772748 -4.165696
G74 4DF 31 0 55.77289 -4.166325
G74 4DG 16 0 55.772118 -4.167287
G74 4DH 22 0 55.772331 -4.189716
G74 4DJ 7 0 55.772087 -4.190293
G74 4DL 6 0 55.771052 -4.190888
G74 4DN 17 0 55.771438 -4.188885
G74 4DP 11 0 55.769195 -4.175543
G74 4DQ 42 0 55.773051 -4.166829
G74 4DR 2 1 55.768887 -4.176963
G74 4DS 11 3 55.770034 -4.174808
G74 4DT 11 0 55.770728 -4.172474
G74 4DU 1 1 55.771976 -4.172764
G74 4DW 7 0 55.771195 -4.189908
G74 4DX 8 0 55.769332 -4.176921
G74 4DY 43 2 55.770872 -4.173165
G74 4DZ 12 0 55.771103 -4.170566
G74 4EA 10 0 55.770701 -4.170652