all postcodes in GL14 / MITCHELDEAN

find any address or company within the GL14 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL14 2DG 33 0 51.820723 -2.497645
GL14 2DH 19 0 51.820018 -2.497056
GL14 2DJ 12 0 51.81997 -2.495561
GL14 2DL 10 0 51.819605 -2.496964
GL14 2DN 4 0 51.819787 -2.498446
GL14 2DP 19 0 51.816445 -2.499991
GL14 2DQ 11 0 51.820049 -2.498217
GL14 2DR 29 0 51.816631 -2.500602
GL14 2DS 19 0 51.818865 -2.499568
GL14 2DT 8 0 51.820142 -2.499625
GL14 2DU 8 0 51.820579 -2.500414
GL14 2DW 37 0 51.818126 -2.499415
GL14 2DX 7 0 51.820797 -2.499894
GL14 2DY 7 0 51.820963 -2.500911
GL14 2DZ 8 0 51.820766 -2.500793
GL14 2EA 48 0 51.818442 -2.501247
GL14 2EB 15 0 51.817764 -2.500658
GL14 2ED 24 1 51.818875 -2.50141
GL14 2EE 6 0 51.820295 -2.501571
GL14 2EF 19 0 51.818887 -2.502876