all postcodes in GL14 / MITCHELDEAN

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL14 2JG 10 0 51.818591 -2.506993
GL14 2JH 20 0 51.822127 -2.50416
GL14 2JL 1 0 51.825533 -2.500498
GL14 2JN 11 0 51.82542 -2.500991
GL14 2JP 24 0 51.823831 -2.501132
GL14 2JQ 15 0 51.821224 -2.503032
GL14 2JS 8 0 51.823817 -2.502176
GL14 2JT 29 1 51.824346 -2.502588
GL14 2JU 1 1 51.823551 -2.501404
GL14 2JW 22 2 51.824632 -2.500865
GL14 2JX 8 0 51.823805 -2.502829
GL14 2JY 10 0 51.824974 -2.502915
GL14 2JZ 13 0 51.825195 -2.503773
GL14 2LA 19 0 51.822667 -2.504238
GL14 2LB 12 0 51.826224 -2.504974
GL14 2LD 24 0 51.82484 -2.504698
GL14 2LE 5 0 51.824599 -2.504318
GL14 2LF 21 0 51.823238 -2.505173
GL14 2LG 1 1 51.82367 -2.507035
GL14 2LJ 31 2 51.825946 -2.508947