all postcodes in GL14 / MITCHELDEAN

find any address or company within the GL14 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL14 2EG 22 1 51.818936 -2.502006
GL14 2EH 43 0 51.815667 -2.501186
GL14 2EJ 3 0 51.816051 -2.499566
GL14 2EN 39 0 51.819387 -2.497296
GL14 2EP 36 0 51.818475 -2.498272
GL14 2EQ 2 0 51.816845 -2.502549
GL14 2ER 15 0 51.821467 -2.509332
GL14 2ES 17 0 51.817149 -2.5057
GL14 2ET 31 1 51.822589 -2.500742
GL14 2EU 2 0 51.822735 -2.500337
GL14 2EW 27 0 51.820753 -2.508047
GL14 2EX 4 0 51.822116 -2.501999
GL14 2EY 15 0 51.823137 -2.501487
GL14 2EZ 18 0 51.820523 -2.505172
GL14 2FB 26 0 51.821542 -2.504269
GL14 2HA 10 0 51.82254 -2.502264
GL14 2HB 9 0 51.82161 -2.503298
GL14 2HD 16 1 51.821371 -2.502367
GL14 2HE 4 0 51.821564 -2.50144
GL14 2HF 2 0 51.820984 -2.501913