all postcodes in GL1 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL1 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL1 4EA 53 0 51.857792 -2.227745
GL1 4EB 12 0 51.857664 -2.228732
GL1 4ED 17 0 51.857451 -2.227395
GL1 4EE 19 1 51.860288 -2.238416
GL1 4EF 12 0 51.860676 -2.237649
GL1 4EG 36 0 51.859567 -2.239516
GL1 4EH 38 0 51.859341 -2.239849
GL1 4EJ 18 0 51.859028 -2.239165
GL1 4EL 21 0 51.860127 -2.238197
GL1 4EN 28 6 51.860463 -2.236762
GL1 4EP 67 2 51.859408 -2.23799
GL1 4EQ 18 0 51.860899 -2.229779
GL1 4ER 42 0 51.859149 -2.237248
GL1 4ES 3 0 51.858232 -2.237258
GL1 4ET 42 0 51.859078 -2.2369
GL1 4EU 2 2 51.859995 -2.236001
GL1 4EW 48 0 51.85938 -2.238397
GL1 4EX 37 0 51.858762 -2.236328
GL1 4EY 51 0 51.858855 -2.235882
GL1 4EZ 12 1 51.859477 -2.235043