all postcodes in GL1 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL1 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL1 4HA 8 0 51.859298 -2.234665
GL1 4HB 35 0 51.858406 -2.235415
GL1 4HD 28 1 51.858281 -2.235095
GL1 4HE 18 7 51.859011 -2.234097
GL1 4HG 46 1 51.858003 -2.234629
GL1 4HH 27 5 51.858662 -2.233369
GL1 4HQ 34 1 51.857932 -2.234382
GL1 4HR 21 6 51.861207 -2.237564
GL1 4HT 51 4 51.860365 -2.235992
GL1 4HY 30 4 51.859514 -2.234303
GL1 4JD 6 2 51.856852 -2.230485
GL1 4JE 43 4 51.856796 -2.231152
GL1 4JH 32 0 51.856555 -2.230265
GL1 4JJ 47 11 51.856463 -2.231499
GL1 4JP 3 0 51.857648 -2.232667
GL1 4JQ 32 0 51.856277 -2.230148
GL1 4JR 9 2 51.857792 -2.232609
GL1 4JS 35 2 51.857681 -2.233814
GL1 4JT 21 3 51.856989 -2.233854
GL1 4JU 1 1 51.857494 -2.233072