all postcodes in GL1 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL1 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL1 4NE 21 0 51.855305 -2.23492
GL1 4NG 17 1 51.855792 -2.234211
GL1 4NH 10 0 51.854514 -2.235003
GL1 4NJ 27 1 51.853985 -2.2341
GL1 4NL 19 0 51.853359 -2.232659
GL1 4NN 22 0 51.853304 -2.23308
GL1 4NP 46 0 51.851939 -2.232434
GL1 4NQ 18 0 51.854486 -2.23567
GL1 4NR 36 0 51.85288 -2.23376
GL1 4NS 21 0 51.853096 -2.233485
GL1 4NT 37 0 51.854117 -2.235654
GL1 4NU 21 1 51.853778 -2.234636
GL1 4NW 27 0 51.852354 -2.231812
GL1 4NX 31 0 51.853622 -2.236058
GL1 4NY 1 1 51.852391 -2.23432
GL1 4NZ 4 0 51.852937 -2.235949
GL1 4PA 38 0 51.852631 -2.236953
GL1 4PB 6 0 51.852525 -2.236255
GL1 4PD 17 0 51.852651 -2.235849
GL1 4PE 8 0 51.852204 -2.234686