all postcodes in GL1 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL1 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL1 4JW 49 0 51.857099 -2.232795
GL1 4JX 31 0 51.855833 -2.231801
GL1 4JZ 5 0 51.856558 -2.233503
GL1 4LA 15 4 51.855929 -2.232407
GL1 4LD 38 1 51.854637 -2.231998
GL1 4LE 16 2 51.854901 -2.230504
GL1 4LF 6 0 51.853977 -2.229163
GL1 4LG 28 0 51.853166 -2.23019
GL1 4LH 11 1 51.855323 -2.230477
GL1 4LJ 1 1 51.85501 -2.229952
GL1 4LN 31 0 51.85599 -2.229682
GL1 4LP 21 0 51.855454 -2.23235
GL1 4LQ 32 0 51.853514 -2.230435
GL1 4LW 26 0 51.855748 -2.229332
GL1 4LX 7 1 51.858084 -2.23913
GL1 4LY 45 3 51.857495 -2.236833
GL1 4LZ 40 0 51.85806 -2.23778
GL1 4NA 11 1 51.857622 -2.236282
GL1 4NB 15 1 51.857406 -2.23561
GL1 4ND 9 1 51.857149 -2.234828