all postcodes in GL2 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL2 5LJ 3 0 51.851427 -2.270019
GL2 5LN 39 0 51.849682 -2.27027
GL2 5LP 11 0 51.847373 -2.273624
GL2 5LQ 8 0 51.849848 -2.268528
GL2 5LR 11 0 51.843433 -2.278114
GL2 5LU 26 0 51.855501 -2.265658
GL2 5LW 3 0 51.85108 -2.272209
GL2 5NL 32 0 51.836956 -2.275825
GL2 5QT 5 3 51.861085 -2.25724
GL2 5QX 1 1 51.860891 -2.251111
GL2 5RB 1 1 51.86027 -2.251412
GL2 5RG 2 2 51.860704 -2.253808
GL2 5WZ 3 1 51.858729 -2.260636
GL2 5XA 10 0 51.850316 -2.271987
GL2 5XD 28 1 51.855059 -2.262345
GL2 5XE 14 0 51.852032 -2.268875
GL2 5DD 6 5 51.842786 -2.265232
GL2 5YB 1 1 51.840258 -2.266788
GL2 5YD 27 16 51.839524 -2.264386
GL2 5ZQ 1 0 51.827861 -2.274173