all postcodes in GL2 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL2 5JA 19 16 51.858587 -2.260783
GL2 5JD 1 1 51.858118 -2.2611
GL2 5JH 4 4 51.86028 -2.259108
GL2 5JJ 41 0 51.818704 -2.279688
GL2 5JN 39 3 51.855713 -2.263148
GL2 5JP 8 0 51.855814 -2.262408
GL2 5JQ 5 5 51.862048 -2.256534
GL2 5JR 6 0 51.855218 -2.267472
GL2 5JS 30 0 51.853828 -2.265736
GL2 5JT 2 0 51.852601 -2.266974
GL2 5JU 22 2 51.851152 -2.268435
GL2 5JW 22 0 51.847764 -2.263711
GL2 5JX 49 0 51.849798 -2.266655
GL2 5JY 21 0 51.849227 -2.268612
GL2 5JZ 3 0 51.84871 -2.266605
GL2 5LA 18 0 51.847606 -2.265902
GL2 5LE 9 1 51.841035 -2.273367
GL2 5LF 2 2 51.840483 -2.27872
GL2 5LG 9 0 51.848185 -2.268185
GL2 5LH 26 2 51.850959 -2.270147