all postcodes in GL5 / STROUD

find any address or company within the GL5 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL5 4RJ 2 0 51.749628 -2.249084
GL5 4RL 2 0 51.749709 -2.249113
GL5 4RN 2 0 51.749754 -2.249128
GL5 4RP 2 0 51.749915 -2.24923
GL5 4RQ 6 0 51.749228 -2.248912
GL5 4RR 3 0 51.75009 -2.249365
GL5 4RS 43 1 51.749405 -2.249984
GL5 4RT 6 0 51.750477 -2.249005
GL5 4RU 6 0 51.75034 -2.24999
GL5 4RW 2 0 51.749834 -2.249172
GL5 4RX 30 0 51.751141 -2.24956
GL5 4RY 7 1 51.752114 -2.248942
GL5 4RZ 5 0 51.75099 -2.248979
GL5 4SA 28 1 51.746398 -2.247679
GL5 4SB 51 0 51.74541 -2.247181
GL5 4SD 40 0 51.745209 -2.248817
GL5 4SE 32 0 51.744643 -2.250621
GL5 4SF 38 0 51.745393 -2.250788
GL5 4SG 47 0 51.746382 -2.250851
GL5 4SH 25 0 51.747967 -2.254148