all postcodes in GL5 / STROUD

find any address or company within the GL5 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL5 4PE 11 0 51.751825 -2.251935
GL5 4PF 8 0 51.751485 -2.252864
GL5 4PG 13 0 51.751199 -2.251907
GL5 4PH 2 0 51.750254 -2.250811
GL5 4PJ 8 0 51.749916 -2.250741
GL5 4PL 12 0 51.749265 -2.252548
GL5 4PN 15 0 51.746793 -2.256517
GL5 4PP 4 0 51.745085 -2.256145
GL5 4PQ 4 0 51.751433 -2.251835
GL5 4PR 8 0 51.744848 -2.257505
GL5 4PS 2 0 51.74478 -2.258081
GL5 4PT 30 0 51.74401 -2.258399
GL5 4PU 18 0 51.74418 -2.25882
GL5 4PW 8 0 51.744949 -2.256651
GL5 4PX 38 0 51.74336 -2.259467
GL5 4PY 9 0 51.743337 -2.257859
GL5 4PZ 22 0 51.743268 -2.256497
GL5 4QA 15 0 51.743798 -2.256848
GL5 4QB 9 0 51.743959 -2.257196
GL5 4QD 9 0 51.744479 -2.256008