all postcodes in GL5 / STROUD

find any address or company within the GL5 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL5 4LB 69 0 51.747295 -2.239819
GL5 4LD 19 1 51.744105 -2.243684
GL5 4LE 35 0 51.741035 -2.245246
GL5 4LH 46 0 51.742542 -2.247035
GL5 4LJ 36 1 51.747775 -2.242545
GL5 4LL 33 0 51.744647 -2.242238
GL5 4LN 15 0 51.745595 -2.244865
GL5 4LP 18 0 51.746948 -2.242511
GL5 4LQ 37 0 51.741716 -2.242367
GL5 4LR 17 0 51.746552 -2.242857
GL5 4LS 25 0 51.746369 -2.244174
GL5 4LT 28 0 51.747132 -2.244946
GL5 4LU 45 0 51.747863 -2.243849
GL5 4LW 36 0 51.746192 -2.242898
GL5 4LX 34 0 51.74861 -2.243346
GL5 4LY 16 0 51.749067 -2.243812
GL5 4LZ 5 0 51.749904 -2.243512
GL5 4NA 14 0 51.750145 -2.244238
GL5 4NB 36 0 51.749155 -2.24487
GL5 4ND 8 0 51.74793 -2.245921