all postcodes in GL5 / STROUD

find any address or company within the GL5 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL5 4NE 16 0 51.748735 -2.246008
GL5 4NF 14 0 51.749153 -2.245652
GL5 4NG 20 0 51.749972 -2.24541
GL5 4NH 10 0 51.750738 -2.244762
GL5 4NJ 13 0 51.750637 -2.245877
GL5 4NL 11 2 51.750335 -2.248208
GL5 4NN 16 0 51.750031 -2.247149
GL5 4NP 29 0 51.749222 -2.247463
GL5 4NQ 26 0 51.750434 -2.243732
GL5 4NR 5 3 51.747952 -2.246641
GL5 4NS 5 0 51.751394 -2.244592
GL5 4NT 7 0 51.751415 -2.243274
GL5 4NU 15 0 51.751126 -2.243794
GL5 4NW 14 0 51.749259 -2.246971
GL5 4NX 40 0 51.751922 -2.245899
GL5 4NY 35 0 51.752588 -2.245584
GL5 4NZ 6 0 51.752663 -2.248293
GL5 4PA 6 0 51.751533 -2.251242
GL5 4PB 13 0 51.751436 -2.250706
GL5 4PD 24 0 51.7523 -2.250174