all postcodes in GL50 / CHELTENHAM

find any address or company within the GL50 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL50 2ES 12 0 51.888992 -2.08433
GL50 2ET 9 0 51.888478 -2.084206
GL50 2EU 7 0 51.887806 -2.083209
GL50 2EW 8 0 51.889909 -2.084041
GL50 2EX 21 0 51.887003 -2.084334
GL50 2EY 9 0 51.886556 -2.08373
GL50 2EZ 17 1 51.891178 -2.082503
GL50 2HA 15 1 51.890439 -2.082277
GL50 2HB 6 0 51.886934 -2.083062
GL50 2HD 6 0 51.887195 -2.082772
GL50 2HE 4 0 51.887105 -2.082423
GL50 2HF 7 0 51.887618 -2.082657
GL50 2HG 15 0 51.89089 -2.08259
GL50 2HH 12 0 51.89 -2.082428
GL50 2HN 4 0 51.893838 -2.082952
GL50 2HP 10 0 51.893641 -2.083133
GL50 2HR 10 0 51.893632 -2.083089
GL50 2HT 20 0 51.894656 -2.085067
GL50 2HU 68 0 51.894565 -2.085925
GL50 2HW 6 0 51.893839 -2.083002