all postcodes in GL50 / CHELTENHAM

find any address or company within the GL50 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL50 2XB 67 0 51.892422 -2.07848
GL50 2XD 1 0 51.891873 -2.078305
GL50 2XE 28 1 51.892367 -2.078974
GL50 2XF 39 0 51.892187 -2.079599
GL50 2XG 19 1 51.892169 -2.079846
GL50 2XH 2 0 51.893346 -2.078359
GL50 2XJ 6 0 51.893571 -2.080851
GL50 2XL 1 0 51.893634 -2.080561
GL50 2XN 12 0 51.885556 -2.087041
GL50 2XP 20 0 51.890407 -2.079189
GL50 2XQ 32 0 51.892754 -2.079222
GL50 2XR 88 0 51.892485 -2.077216
GL50 2XS 5 0 51.893678 -2.081418
GL50 2XW 1 0 51.884962 -2.087185
GL50 2ZN 1 1 51.905654 -2.08205
GL50 2SR 9 0 51.88588 -2.085704
GL50 2SF 7 0 51.886393 -2.085923
GL50 2SP 7 0 51.885907 -2.086387
GL50 2AL 4 2 51.890253 -2.079428
GL50 2WX 1 1 51.905654 -2.08205