all postcodes in GL50 / CHELTENHAM

find any address or company within the GL50 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL50 2RF 30 0 51.889171 -2.085842
GL50 2RG 11 0 51.889107 -2.087047
GL50 2RH 235 235 51.887603 -2.087706
GL50 2RL 6 0 51.884821 -2.095306
GL50 2RP 22 0 51.887782 -2.092029
GL50 2RW 56 0 51.888764 -2.089139
GL50 2RQ 2 0 51.888521 -2.08685
GL50 2RS 4 1 51.885856 -2.093884
GL50 2RT 6 0 51.886244 -2.092389
GL50 2RU 6 0 51.886361 -2.092098
GL50 2RX 6 0 51.886217 -2.091851
GL50 2RY 6 0 51.88601 -2.092025
GL50 2RZ 7 0 51.885984 -2.091647
GL50 2SA 4 0 51.885445 -2.09121
GL50 2SB 6 0 51.884752 -2.091194
GL50 2SD 13 0 51.884943 -2.088826
GL50 2SE 1 0 51.885637 -2.086707
GL50 2SG 43 0 51.888047 -2.086348
GL50 2SJ 12 0 51.88633 -2.085255
GL50 2SL 33 0 51.887903 -2.085505